The check-up that landed us in the emergency room

Two weeks ago I found myself going in for a much dreaded check-up in Heaven’s hospital, can’t really say I was thrilled about it but one has to follow protocol. This wasn’t one of those “Hey God so I came to have my knee checked out” type of visits, this was in connection with my recent break-up a few months ago. I decided I should go check how the wound is doing and whether God had to re-dress it or not. As the week went on and the duration of the check-up was coming to an end, the most unexpected thing happens…

Monday evening I receive a message from my ex-boyfriend’s (Mango) best friend (Melon) stating that Mango is not feeling well and I should pray for him. So I get right to it, pray for healing, ask God to shower Mango with His love and started speaking the goodness of God over his life. Later on that evening I decide to give Melon a ring to find out how everything is going, not that he gave much to work with but it was the usual “he’s ok now, he just drank his meds and is resting”.
Next morning as I’m getting ready for work, I decide to call Mango and check on him, but the phone just rang and rang and rang. So I then decide to call Melon,and all I recall Melon saying is that the situation had gotten worse…I froze, well for about 10 seconds and wondered what I should do. Should I rush there and help this guy out or should I just continue praying and live my life as though nothing happened. In utter confusion I called Melon back and asked him to come fetch me so we can both figure out a plan. In less than 20 minutes he was outside and we fled to Mango’s place…and there he was, on his bed, unresponsive and in pain. In that split second nothing mattered, the past was instantly erased, the hurt, the tears, the anger and the bitterness all left; all that mattered was that Mango had to get well, he had to be healed.  To cut the long story short, after failing to nurse him back to even an inch of health we finally decided to take him to hospital, where he was treated and admitted to stay for observation for the rest of the week.

I’m pretty certain that a lot of us have watched “diary of a mad black woman” and have seen how the woman mistreats her ill husband to try and get back at him for hurting her (I know this is an exaggerated example but please just bear with me lol). So while sitting in the waiting room next to Mango (who was at this stage in a wheelchair and looked frail), I thought to myself maybe this is my opportunity to get even, to level things out and be mean. However my heart wouldn’t allow me, my very nature couldn’t even give those thoughts the entertainment they required. Throughout all these events I kept asking myself why I was being saint Leeray and totally disregarding what happened a few months ago. Had I lost my mind? Did I even think of the kind of message I was sending out? *cues in Headline music* “And in today’s top story, Leeray decides to be superwoman and rushes in for her ex-boyfriend’s rescue. Could this mean the lovely lady still has hope that things might go back to where they used to be? As she replays the role of a girlfriend could this possibly spark a few fires in the hearts of both individuals? Stay tuned as we cross over live to the hospital to see whether this tragic day will have a sweet-romantic ending…Over to you Sandy”. Thought I’d give it a dramatic boost to get the message across.
It baffles me how I didn’t even think twice before dropping all my plans, work, meetings, a day’s worth of productivity and just focussed on one thing…Mango’s recovery.

I may not have all the answers to the thoughts, questions and concerns that were raised in my heart and the hearts of those who I’m accountable to but the only thing I can think of at the moment is that my actions were driven by something that I, in my human capacity can never explain. The heart really seems to have a mind of its own. However I could say at this point in time, that my actions were driven by care…It’s all because I care. Not quite the dramatic ending you were hoping for…right? For some odd reason I feel as though my post is still incomplete, that I’m still in the consulting room and God is still examining my wound…that maybe my check-up is still in progress; but I’m probably just being my usual overly-thoughtful self..

Signed: Love soldier Leeray


  1. I looove your vulnerability. Your transparency... It heals.


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